{ I bow to you and offer my humble respects }
Meditation is not easy at all
The sitting
The stillness
It takes time, preparation and practice to get to a place of comfort.
With enough preparation both physically and mentally it is possible to cut through blockages and arrive to some experience of clarity.
Meditation is the pathway to life lived fully present to everything that shows up.
I AM PEACE is a method presented by Adriana Cortazzo that adapts traditional yogic practices presented in a creative and explorative way.
Blindfold (optional)
Headphones (optional)
Support for sitting (cushion, folded blanket or chair)
Gentle body rolls to get your body and mind ready for stillness.
(if you have any spinal injury or bulging discs or even high or low blood pressure consult with a medical practitioner before engaging in any physical activities. If there are any other medical issues that concern you, then skip this bit and go straight to listening to the meditation)
Read all the instructions first before doing it
From standing…
1. Open your arms wide with an inhale
2. Tip your head into your chest, let your arms just hang on either side of you and begin to fold forward with an exhale
3. Begin to lower your body forward without engaging your head or arms, flowing gently with your breath
4. Let your head and arms simply hang in their natural way
5. Roll downward until your fingers touch the floor with bent knees
6. Take at least 10 breaths to get down. In other words, try not to rush it. The slower the better
7. This will completely relax all your muscles and release the nerves in your spine
8. Now begin to make your way back up in exactly the same way that you came down... very slowly and keeping your head and arms hanging forward
9. When you get back up to standing, lift your head, roll your shoulders back and take in a few deeper than usual breaths
10. Stand tall, with both your feet anchored to the earth. Have a tiny bend in your legs so that your knees are not locked. Keep buoyant with your body and soft with your muscles as you begin to roll forward again
11. Do this three times in total and when you have completed the body rolls you will then prepare yourself for stillness in your chosen meditation asana
Meditation ‘Asana’ and preparation
Be comfortable - This is vital. Asana is a sanskrit word that can be translated as meaning 'the seat' and or 'the pose'. It's important to be comfortable so that you don't get distracted from any physical discomforts. Sit on a chair (preferably on the edge of the chair so that your back is straight) or find your seat on the ground with cushions under your bottom to assist elevating your chest. And lying down is super fine too.
No distractions - Time to shut out the outside world. Switch off any other devices. Shut your door and press pause on anything that’s going to take you away from a few minutes of quietness.
Maybe go to the loo - opps, I know that might sound a little odd… but how annoying if half way you get distracted from an inconvenient urge to empty out.
You are NOW ready TO START
Peace and love to you all.
May your meditation serve you well.
I AM PEACE... yes you are!
Side note: in the recording THE INTUITIVE Room is mentioned. Which was my former trading name.
Peace and love to you!