Special FREE TEA OFFER especially for you from KIN KIN TEA
I believe in the power of manifestation.
After an overwhelming week of work even the smallest of tasks was starting to feel like a burden. The thought of knowing which tea to serve at our Deep Altered State of Consciousness event was just another thing I had to think about. Rather than just purchase any sort of tea I wanted something that would be specific to facilitating an opening of the throat chakra, Vishuddhi. I put it out to the universe to give me just the right tea for our event. It took no less than a few hours before a message landed in my inbox from an organic tea company offering me free tea. Wow, that was quick!
I not only got free tea and a recommendation of which tea would be prefect for the throat chakra Visuddhi but I also got an insight into the person behind Kin Kin Tea. “I lived in an ashram until I was 18 years of age” was the basis of how he knew a thing or two about chakras and how to activate them through the right herbal tea. His mother had a burning desire to be part of the change going on in the world at the time and packed up her young family and moved them into an ashram with the hope of a better life. Steve Tollis lived with 25 adults and 25 kids and remembers it as an amazing experience. It was a utopian existence of waking each day to early morning meditations and group vibrational healings. The healing would involve scanning the body and deciphering through the sensations in the hand which chakra was depleted and through specific mantra chanting, the chakra could be activated. All this from the age of 7 was just a typical day for Steve. It was an experience of oneness as all adults took on parental roles mentoring all the children as their own.
“I would suggest Sahaja Yoga to anyone" says Steve. "The principles that they teach are all excellent building blocks for a better world. To know your 'real' self; be content and satisfied. Be at peace with an open big heart. Be loving and compassionate. Be collective and see what's good for the whole. Be observant before reacting, be positive and constructive, forgiving and humble. We are all connected. Wisdom unfolds when we are these things. There are some more interesting rituals as well in relation to attaining those principles such as “shoe beating”. Basically you take your left shoe, sit down on the grass/earth and write your problem on the ground. Put it in a bandhan and then hit it 108 times with your shoe. Different but effective!"
When it was time for Steve to leave the ashram he left behind that life and began walking in different shoes. “We moved to Kin Kin in the Noosa Hinterland onto 10 acres 8 years ago with the goal of living off the land and being self-sustainable. We have 27 sheep, 5 chickens, 4 geese, 14 guinea fowl and 4 ducks 1 dog and two children – Aiden and Annabelle. Having children changed our perspective on many things and a very important one being protection for the environment and attempting to leave the world in a better place than the way we found it. Following in my Mum’s steps really but trying via a different avenue. Our goal is to be self-sustainable. Everything within reason is our motto".
"We have recently had the blessing to be able to take over the management of Kin Kin Tea. When the opportunity came up we jumped at it as it fits in with so many of our ideals. Certified Organic and be able to work with local producers and grow our own Ginger and Turmeric using permaculture principles".
what is your philosophy on life…
"My philosophy on life is to do everything with balance. Everything we do should be balanced. Fanaticism in my opinion is becoming way too prevalent in our society and not simply in regards to the obvious… religion. This balance must be applied to the way we eat, work and play. At the end of the day it is common sense that should prevail"
your parting words would be….
"Lets make the world a better place and follow the old American Indian philosophy that all decisions should not be made on how it will affect us in 3 years’ time but how it will affect us in 3 generations time".
Kin Kin Tea is offering THE INTUITIVE Room subscribers a free tea from their online store… Simply enter code #INTUITIVE on the checkout page for a Free Alfa Mint tea. This is one of our healthiest teas and also tastes great.